“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

The smell of steaming hot bread, just out of the oven...The sound of happy, energetic boys on rollerblades in the sunshine...A wedding rag-rug in process on my lap...Ethan, entertaining himself upright on the floor beside me... Howard on his way home from work, early...Sweet, soft dulcimer lullabies as background music...clear, clean kitchen counters...a kiss from Lauren, just returned safely from a 5-day excursion to Indiana with friend Amber...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Tribute

I am married to a man who I am convinced loves me more than any man has ever loved a woman. I should have thought to make this declaration in time for our 33rd anniversary; but it is as true today, and will be as true next year, as ever.
While his attributes are many, this one of loving me, is quintessential. Although not always considered a patient man, his patience for me appears limitless. He has endured my pets, plants, peeves and projects with aplomb, if not applause. He is one of those “incurable romantics” that you hear about, regularly gracing our home with flowers for no reason at all (but his love for me). I am the recipient of many handmade cards, featuring his gift for words, wit, and poetry. It seems that he is always looking for tangible ways to express his love. He has the gift of giving. There is nothing good that he would withhold from me, if it is in his power to procure. My happiness and well-being is utmost on his mind. From our cup of coffee together in the morning, to our shared glass of wine before bed, being together is foremost on his mind. We have Thursday “date night”, Friday lunch dates and occasional special dates. The chat window on our computers daily keeps us in touch during working hours. He is always “there” for me. I can count on him in a crisis or to make a critical decision. He understands me, respects me, protects me. His touch is tender, his embrace unhurried, his heart is sensitive.
No, Howard is not a perfect man; but, he has a perfect love for me. Because of his love, it is easy for me to make the connection to the verses in Ephesians 5:22-33 in regards to husbands and wives as compared to Christ’s love for His church; and in 1 John 4:19 where it says, “We love Him because He first loved us.”

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just a Moment

I am sitting alone at the table, savoring bites of fresh melon from our neighbor’s garden. The air is calm and heavy with moisture from rains past and rains to come.

This is a rare moment, indeed...a cool, quiet morning - IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST, NO LESS! This is the kind of moment when I hear God the best. Everywhere I look - everything speaks of Him: of His creativity and care, of His provision and protection.

What is this? The clothespin on my deck line moved! It is a hummingbird, also enjoying the morning’s refreshment. She hastily sips nectar from our feeder, before zipping off to her business in the trees. I, too, know the moment will soon be over. The duties of the day will press me into action. The commotion of energetic boys will break the silence. The thermometer will rise again.

But, in just a moment, my heart’s faith, strength and thankfulness have been renewed.

“Be still and know that I am God”.

“Be still, my soul”.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I am known in my family for re-arranging things. I get “that look in my eye” and they all know that something is about to change. It’s always for the better, somehow. It gives us more room, better functionality, has better eye appeal. Children grow, needs change, priorities change...

We expect babies to change; but, we are never quite prepared for how fast! Even as I type, Louis is gaining weight, and testing out new babbling and physical skills. What a charmer he is! This photo is already out of date, and it’s only from last month.

Sometimes change is long-awaited for, like Patrick’s return home from the Army. We have anxiously anticipated and prepared for it. What a relief and blessing to have him where we can give him the TLC he needs. There will be many adjustments for him in the months to come as he finds work as a civilian and begins the healing process.

Here are some other changes going on: Andrea is home from Kentucky teaching; but off to Mexico for 8 weeks of teaching English to a community of German speaking Russian Mennonites. From there, she flies to KY for a quick visit before attending her cousin Jackie’s wedding in CA; back to KY to finish her visit; then home briefly before an educational excursion to Israel for 3 weeks in September.

Lauren finished her Spring classes with flying colors, as well as an academic achievement award from her psychology professor. She is taking the summer off to be an Auntie and is currently in WA with a friend who just had her first baby.

I feel like I’ve watched Charlotte leap from schoolgirl to an amazing wife and mother in no time at all! What a beautiful sight she is in her new realm. Do you realize that she and Fred celebrated their 1st anniversary already?!

Samuel is entering into the workforce phase of life. Am I ready for this? When he walks into the room, I have to check twice to see if it’s Howard, his stature has changed that much. He is becoming the man-in-demand by more than just his mother.

Micah tickles me, because he is the male version of me, when I was his age. It makes it so much easier to be patient with him when I remember that. :)

Ethan’s well-being made some changes lately that are not at all welcome, nor were they expected, nor are they fully understood. His “normal” seizure activity has been to have a session of grand mals about every 2 months. Not fun; but tolerable, especially when you consider he isn’t on any medication. Well, June brought an incredible increase in that activity, which was frightening, to say the least. He had an entire week (seven days in a row!) of 3-4 hour long sessions of intense seizures. He is back on a mild form of medication, temporarily, to break the cycle. Hopefully, he will return to his normal pattern and perky self very soon.

Joshua - my baby - is growing up too fast for me to keep up. I find myself constantly wishing I had more time with him, one on one. He and I are learning to seize moments together for deep, intellectual conversation or to read a book. I am keenly aware that my time is running out to hug and kiss this boy and hold him on my lap.

In fact, I think that is the crux of this whole epistle: Redeeming the time, because we see it running out, as surely as our bodies grow weary with age. Changes are certain. How are we going to respond to them? It takes moment by moment discernment to utilize each circumstance, each phase of life to it’s fullest. My goal is to do that in a way that glorifies God.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Creativity: The Power to Create

Create: 1. to produce; to bring into being from nothing; to cause to exist.

(Only God can do that!) "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1)

Create: 5. to make or produce, by new combinations of matter already created, and by investing these combinations with new forms, constitutions and qualities; to shape and organize. (This is within our grasp!)

God created man in His Own image. The Creator created creativity in His creation. He gives each of us the desire, strength and power to create. Each of us has a uniquely creative ability...a gift for combining foods to create a taste sensation; combining musical notes to make beautiful music; combining fabrics of various shapes and colors to form heirloom quilts....and the list goes on. Even those who do not consider themselves "gifted", create conversation, friendships, opportunities, atmosphere, environment, character, faith, hope and love. Again, there is no end to how our creative energy is spent.

This subject has been on my mind for awhile now....actually, ever since I started crocheting rag-rugs. I rediscovered how regenerating it is for me. Okay, you see this coming, so I'll say it: It is recreational. Please visit my Rag-Rugging Reverie site for the complete treatise on this particular form of recreation. www.ragrugreverie.blogspot.com/

My prayer is that each of us would nurture the creative "juices" within us, to the benefit of those we know and love, and those with whom God gives us the opportunity to share. And, may the glory be to God, the Creator.