“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”

Monday, December 19, 2011

Of Grandmamaness (it's a word if I say so)

I am still getting the knack of this grandparent thing...even though I now have four of those blessings...even though they will be One, Two, Three and Four in 2012.

I find myself contemplating not only the privilege, but the responsibility, that is involved with being "Grandmama". I wonder at the strange, new love for my offspring's offspring. I pray about the type and amount of influence that comes with this title. What effect might my life, my attitudes, and my example have on them?  What will they remember about their time with me when I've left this life?

One thing that I've particularly noticed about myself is the freedom with which I am able to love, nurture, and discipline these little people. And, as I pondered the reason, I think it is simply that, ultimately, they are not my responsibility. They will neither reflect well nor poorly upon me. I cannot be embarrassed by them, as I might have been by my own children, at times. Wisdom of years and experience lends itself to this "free" feeling, as well. I've traveled this path before...it feels vaguely familiar, yet, surprisingly new. Free from the 24-hour duty, I have time to listen, to share, to read. I often wish I was able to be more playful; but, that's where "Grandpa" comes in. I always did count on him for that, even when we were young parents ourselves.

There is a delicate balance, however, as I strive to respect boundaries, philosophies and standards set by their parents. It is my fervent desire never to cross the line which would undermine the course their parents have charted for parenting their children.  I want to be a valuable support to my children...an aid, an assistant, a booster. Since every parent and every child and every home is a unique entity, this requires discernment and prayer, self-control and humility, patience and love.

Much, much love.


  1. Whatever your grandchildren may wonder about you, they will never doubt your love for them. Your much love for them. :)

  2. It is an honor to have a friend like you - one who can put into words the thoughts and feelings I've had since I became "Grams" almost 10 years ago. Your sentiments are exactly mine. What I know is that Howard is right; I believe our grandchildren will never doubt the love we have for them. :-)

  3. You said that so well, dear friend. I feel the same way. Bless you for putting it into words.
    Love you!
